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Getting Started

Table of contents

  1. Install
  2. Nuxt config
    1. Inline config
    2. Top level config
    3. Config function


Add nuxt-envalid as dev-dependency to your project via yarn or npm:

  •   yarn add --dev nuxt-envalid
  •   npm install --save-dev nuxt-envalid

Nuxt config

Add nuxt-envalid to the buildModules section of nuxt.config.js:

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  buildModules: ['nuxt-envalid'],

If you are using a Nuxt version previous than v2.9 you have to install the module as a dependency (No --dev or --save-dev flags) and also use modules section in nuxt.config.js instead of buildModules.

There a pretty much four different ways to provide a configuration for this module. You are free the choose which fits you the most.

Inline config

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  buildModules: [
    ['nuxt-envalid', { /* module config */ }],

Top level config

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  buildModules: ['nuxt-envalid'],
  envalid: {
    /* module config */

Config function

If you need to use a function to provide the module config you are good to go:

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  buildModules: [
    ['nuxt-envalid', () => ({ /* module config */ })],
  /* or at top level */
  envalid: () => ({
    /* module config */

Defining a module configuration inline will overwrite a module configuration defined at top level.